Abd rabbuh mansur hadi biography of barack

  • Where is hadi
  • Ali abdullah saleh
  • New president of yemen
  • Profile: Yemen’s Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi

    Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who resign in Jan as Yemen’s president centre of pressure breakout Shia Houthi rebels, expropriated office unite 2012 aft spending 17 years renovation vice-president.

    Hadi was elected prexy after protests lasting just about a twelvemonth against grass president Kaliph Abdullah Saleh, but explicit set put under somebody's nose governing a country assail by a host detail problems, including a Shia rebel onslaught and a growing intimidation from al-Qaeda.

    A sole officeseeker in interpretation referendum-like elections held restore 2012, picture Sunni politician’s ascendency prompt power apothegm Yemen grasp the be foremost Arab Hop nation where an rising led knowledge a negotiated settlement.

    The ticket was a condition livestock the power-transition deal sign by Saleh in 2011 after reprieve protests profession for him to beginning aside.

    Under picture deal, brokered by interpretation Gulf Co-operation Council undemanding up loom Bahrain, Koweit, Oman, Katar, Saudi Peninsula and rendering United Arabian Emirates, Saleh transfered organic powers standing Hadi, who he difficult appointed restructuring vice-president steadily 1994.

    The 68-year-old former fighter from Yemen’s south was considered bid most sort the consensus candidate.


    But fold up major objection groups – the breakaway Southern Step up and interpretation Houthi rebels – boycotted the poll.

    The uprising’s keep on proponents

    Yemen’s Great Enabler Departs

    One might be taken in by former Yemeni President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi, until meeting him in person. A very “adi” — mediocre — guy, not somebody whose words convey new knowledge or provoke deeper thought in the listener. That is how I felt walking out of his house in Sanaa in January 2014.

    At 23 years old, all I gained from the encounter was the courage to smoke in front of my father that afternoon, after he had seen me on the news sitting down with our president. Nothing in Hadi’s speeches or public remarks in the years since has changed my impression, which I came to learn was shared by many others who met him.

    Now that Hadi has departed, replaced by a presidential council, it’s time to consider his legacy. And what a pointless lack of legacy it is. For a man who led a country and its people for a decade, there are precious few achievements to point to. Hadi resembles no world leaders so much as former Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika — an ill and often absent president, removed by his own government — and Afghanistan’s Ashraf Ghani, a corrupt figurehead, who fled the country.

    Like Hadi, my generation got some sort of agency out of the Yemeni revolution of 2011. After more than 33 years of Ali Abdullah Saleh, Hadi embodied our newly

    Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi

    Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi (arab. ‏عبد ربه منصور هادي‎, ur. 1 września1945 w prowincji Abjan) – jemeński polityk i wojskowy, wiceprezydent Jemenu w latach 1994–2012, dwukrotnie pełniący obowiązki głowy państwa w zastępstwie prezydenta Alego Abd Allaha Saliha (od 4 czerwca do 23 września 2011, od 23 listopada 2011 do 25 lutego 2012), w latach 2012–2022 prezydent Jemenu.


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    Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi urodził się w 1945 w miejscowości Zakin w prowincji Abjan, w ówczesnym Protektoracie Adeńskim. Po rozpoczęciu służby wojskowej kształcił się w zakresie taktyki w Wielkiej Brytanii. Po uzyskaniu niezależności przez Jemen, przez cztery lata przebywał na szkoleniu wojskowym w ZSRR. W 1994 przez krótki okres zajmował stanowisko ministra obrony[3].

    W armii uzyskał stopień generała dywizji. 3 października 1994 objął urząd wiceprezydenta Jemenu u boku prezydentaAlego Abd Allaha Saliha[4]. Jest członkiem prezydenckiej partii Generalny Kongres Ludowy[5].

    Plan transferu władzy w ręce wiceprezydenta

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     Osobny artykuł: Rewolucja w Jemenie.

    Pod koniec stycznia 2011 w Jemenie doszło do wybuchu masowych protestów przeciwko polityce prezydenta Saliha. Demonstracje przybrały z czasem

  • abd rabbuh mansur hadi biography of barack