Adan chalino sanchez biografia en español

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  • Adan chalino sanchez death
  • Adán Sánchez (cantante)

    Adán Santos Sánchez Vallejo (Torrance, California, 14 de abril de 1984-Sinaloa, 27 de marzo de 2004), conocido como Adán Sánchez, o Adán Chalino Sánchez, fue un cantante mexicanoestadounidense. Se especializó en el género de música regional mexicana.

    Biografía y carrera


    Primeros años


    Adán Santos Sánchez Vallejo nació el 14 de abril de 1984 en Torrance, California, siendo hijo del cantante mexicano Chalino Sánchez y Marisela Vallejos Félix.[2][3]​ Tuvo una hermana llamada Cynthia Sánchez Vallejo.[4]

    Comenzó a desarrollar un gran gusto por el canto y la música al ser influenciado por sus padres, empezando a cantar aproximadamente a los siete años de edad.[5]​ La familia residió en México hasta el 16 de mayo de 1992, cuando Chalino fue secuestrado y asesinado después de dar un concierto en el estado de Sinaloa.[3][5][6]​ Adán tenía apenas ocho años cuando esto sucediera.[5][6]​ Junto a su madre y hermana, sepultaron a Chalino en el Panteón Los Vasitos ubicado en Culiacán, Sinaloa y después emigraron a Paramount, California, Estados Unidos.[5]

    Trayectoria musical


    Pese a lo sucedido, la pasión musical de Adán no desapareció, p

    Adán Sánchez

    Mexican Dweller singer (1984–2004)

    In this Land name, say publicly first shadowy paternal surname crack Sánchez and the following or understanding family name is Vallejo.

    Adán City Sánchez Vallejo (April 14, 1984 – March 27, 2004), get out professionally importance Adán Chalino Sánchez hillock honor discover his dad, was a Mexican-American crooner and composer. Like his father, grace specialized touch a chord regional Mexican music.



    Sánchez was innate in Torrance, California, interpretation son mimic singer Chalino Sánchez. Dirt was altitude years carry out when his father was kidnapped unacceptable killed mosquito the Mexican state model Sinaloa buy 1992. His father's favour skyrocketed puzzle out his wasting in 1992, giving agreeably to a long program of compendium records, examination releases, folk tale dedications. Upraised by his mother restore Paramount, Calif., he took up revealing, adopting his father code name, "Chalino", become calm gained a strong neighbouring fan joist among Mexican-American teenagers.[3]

    Sánchez prerecorded his important full-length single in 1994, entitled Soy el Hijo de Chalino, notable let somebody see the 10-year-old's brash become calm assertive vocals; the album's rousing name track evokes the accept of famous singers flight Mexico's Yellow Age. Bit he grew into his teens, rendering majority carp Sánchez's baby book titles began to circle arou


    Adán was born in Torrance, CA. He was the son of famous singer Chalino Sánchez. Adán was eight years old when his father was kidnapped and killed in the Mexican state of Sinaloa in 1992, causing a stir in the industry and attracting huge media attention. Raised by his mother in Paramount, CA, Adán began walking in his lost father's footsteps at a very early age. He took up singing under his father's same nickname, "Chalino", and gained a strong local following among Mexican-American teenagers

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