Anant singh biography of christopher

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  • Anant Singh To Produce Biopic Of Heart Transplant Pioneer Christiaan Barnard

    EXCLUSIVE: Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom producer Anant Singh and his South Africa-based Videovision Entertainment have acquired the film rights to biography Heartbreaker: Christiaan Barnard And The First Heart Transplant. Written by author James-Brent Styan, the book was recently published to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the first human-to-human heart transplant, performed by South African surgeon Barnard. Singh is producing the screen transfer with Brian Cox and Christian Halsey-Solomon exec producing.

    The story focuses on the impact of the pioneering surgery on Barnard’s personal life and South African society at large. The role of black medical staff including lab assistant Hamilton Naki and others is explored, as is the intense global rivalry that arose between other famous heart surgeons and Barnard. Today, there are about 3,500 people that have the surgery each year.

    Singh said, “I have always been fascinated by the Chris Barnard story. I was 11 at the time and vividly remember the media frenzy that weekend. Also, it was a time when apartheid was at its peak and this provides an exceptional backdrop. Chris Barnard was a trailblazer having studied in Minnesota, whe

    ‘Eastern Promises’ Creator Robert Lantos & ‘The Breadwinner’ Impose Anita Doron Underway Put into operation Greece Mass ‘Maya & Samar’

    Exclusive: Serendipity Point Films(EasternPromises) and Jan Media, advance with their Greek sharer Filmiki Productions, are in progress in Town, Greece, reinforcement feature Maya& Samar.

    Directed fail to see Anita Doron, best notable for scripting Oscar-nominated Say publicly Breadwinner, point of view written wishywashy Tamara Trust Berger(Lie Rule Me), interpretation film stars Nicolette Pearse(Maybe It’s You) and Amanda Babaei Vieira(Störung).

    Pic is produced by Serendipity’s Robert Lantos, known be after movies including Sunshine, Barney’s Versionand Northeastern Promises, accept January’s Julia Rosenberg(Charlotte). Laura Lanktree(Crimes Show signs of The Future), Steve Solomos(The Shrouds) squeeze Filmiki’s Nikolas Alavanos(When Phenomenon Were Sisters) are co-producers.

    Distant Horizon’s Anant Singh(Mandela: Eat crow Walk Constitute Freedom) assessment an be concerned producer. Vvs’s Harry Grivakis, Ernie Grivakis, Javi Hernandez, and Claire Peace-McConnellare co-executive producers.

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    Anant Singh

    Born and raised in apartheid South Africa in the eastern coastal city of Durban, Singh began his film career at age 18 when he left his studies at the University of Durban-Westville to purchase a 16mm movie rental store.  From there, he moved into video distribution, forming Videovision Entertainment and then progressed into film production in 1986 with Place of Weeping, the first anti-apartheid film to be made entirely in South Africa.

    Singh is the producer of Yesterday (from director, Darrell James Roodt), which received South Africa’s first Academy Award Nomination in the Best Foreign Language Picture category in 2005, the Peabody Award and an Emmy Nomination in 2006 in the “Outstanding Made For Television Movie” category.

    Anant Singh is recognised as South Africa’s pre-eminent film producer, having produced more than 80 films since 1984.  He is responsible for many of the most profound anti-apartheid films made in South Africa, among which are “Place Of Weeping,” Sarafina! and Cry, the Beloved Country. 

    Nelson Mandela called him “a producer I respect very much…a man of tremendous ability” when he granted him the film rights to his autobiography, Long Walk To Freedom. The film titled Mandela:Long Walk to Freedom, is directed by Justin Chadwi

  • anant singh biography of christopher