Biography of ralph semino galan literature
Justice by Ralph Semino Galan
Justice by Ralph Semino Galan
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Here are some things to know about Ralph Semino Galan, a famous poet.
RALPH SEMINO GALAN – A poet, literary critic, and translator is Ralph Semino Galan, and here are some of his famous works and achievements.
The poet, literary critic, and translator Ralph Semino Galan is also a teacher. He teaches at the University of Santo Tomas teaching literature, humanities, and writing subjects. He is a graduate of Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology. He graduated magna cum laude with a degree in AB English (major in Literature).
He has a master’s in English Studies (major in Creative Writing) from the University of the Philippines-Diliman. He was the Workshop Coordinator of the UP National Writers’ Workshop from 1999 to 2002 but was a member of the said organization since 1997. His first book of his poetries is called The Southern Cross and Other Poems published in December 2005. It was launched by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts as part of its UBOD New Authors Series.
As a writer, he writes book reviews for the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He is now the Assistant Director of the UST Center for Creative Writing and Literary Studies and an Associate Professor of Literature, the Humanities and Creative Writing in the UST Facu
Background of Ralph Semino Galan
Background of Ralph Semino Galan