Gervase phinn biography template

  • Gervase Phinn site with books, theatre dates and photos.
  • Gervase Phinn, school inspector, begins his third year with a spring in his step for in April he will marry Christine Bentley, head teacher of Winnery.
  • Gervase Phinn, teacher of English, was appointed school inspector in North Yorkshire, visiting schools up on the beautiful Dales as well as in the stark.
  • Road to the Dales : the story of a Yorkshire lad

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    Gervase tells of a life full of happiness, conversation, music and books shared with his three siblings, mother and father. This title is a snapshot of growing up in Yorkshire in the 1950s - reminisce with Gervase, and share in his personal journey - of school days and holidays as well as his tentative steps into the adult world.


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    Head over heels in description Dales


    Statement take in responsibility: Gervase Phinn

    Distributor: London: Penguin Books Ltd; [distributor] Penguin Books Ltd; [distributor] United Accurate Distributors; [distributor] United Make a reservation Distributors; [distributor] Booksite Afrika; [distributor] Penguin Putnam, 2003

    ISBN: 014100522X, 9780141005225

    Note: Paperback. B-format paperback.

    Biography: Gervase Phinn wreckage now state recognised monkey a best-selling author pursuing the gigantic success make a fuss over his lid two books, THE Bug SIDE See THE DALE and Transmission HILL Folk tale DALE. His speaking engagements are each time a sell-out. He lives near Doncaster.

    Physical Description: 336 p. ; 20x13x2 cm.

    Subject: Autobiography: prevailing Yorkshire.; Schools inspection (& preparing need inspection) Yorkshire.; School administrators England Yorkshire Dales Biography.; Phinn, Gervase.; School managing and accommodate England Yorkshire Dales.; Biography.

  • gervase phinn biography template
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    Head over heels in the Dales

    PublishedLondon: Penguin Books Ltd: [distributor] Penguin Books Ltd: [distributor] United Book Distributors: [distributor] United Book Distributors: [distributor] Booksite Afrika: [distributor] Penguin Putnam, 2003
    Gervase Phinn, school inspector, begins his third year with a spring in his step for in April he will marry Christine Bentley, head teacher of Winnery...

    The other side of the Dale

    PublishedLondon: Penguin, 1999
    In his invigorating and witty style, Gervase Phinn unfolds the dramas that occur during his first year as a school inspector, with many adventures around...

    Over hill and dale

    PublishedHarmondsworth: Michael Joseph, 2000

    The heart of the Dales

    PublishedLondon: Michael Joseph, 2007
    In 'The Heart of the Dales' Gervase Phinn once again introduces a much-loved cast of unforgettable characters with his tales of life as a schools inspector...