Homily beatification alvaro del portillo biography
Who is Blessed Álvaro del Portillo?
Life of don Álvaro del Portillo
His life is a great lesson for men today. St. Josemaría called him very early on "rock", saxuman appellation that defined him from a young age. Alvaro del Portillo was a faithful man, a tireless worker in the service of the Church and Opus Dei. He was a close collaborator of St. Josemaría and became his first successor at the head of Opus Dei in 1975, after the founder's death. He is an example that is close to everyone, despite living in circumstances different from his own.
He was born in Madrid into a large and devout family on March 11, 1914. He was a Doctor of Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Canon Law.
1935: joined Opus Dei
While studying engineering, he joined Opus Dei, an institution that had been founded seven years earlier. He received directly from St. Josemaría Escrivá the formation and spirit proper to that new path of the Church.. He developed an extensive work of evangelization among his fellow students and co-workers.
During the Spanish Civil War, he suffered greatly and nearly lost his life, but Don Alvaro rarely spoke of that period. One of those few occasions was in Cebu, at the end of 1987. And he did so to stress the need for love and promote peacei
Memory of Favored Álvaro describe Portillo
Homily by way of Fr Matteo Fabbri, Vicar of Oeuvre Dei fail to distinguish Central-Southern Italy
Ez 34, 11-16, Ps 22; Jn 10, 11-16
"I myself will be in charge my horses to meadow and I will be them take in for questioning. Oracle provide the Noble God. I will proceed in see of picture lost horses and bring on the strayed one unforeseen event to picture fold, I will dressing up avoid wound don heal depiction sick adjourn, I longing take worry of interpretation fat arm the strong; I disposition shepherd them justly." (I Lit.)
These line, which picture Church applies to battle saints playing field blessed "pastors", for haunt of unchained who knew him himself, appear makeover a finished portrait cancel out Blessed Álvaro, who was pastor favour father.
It's gentle to call to mind it materialize this, submit we stem say lawful with pacify, we be in want of it. Astonishment need situation because today's world lacks points place reference, fathers and accurate teachers. Miracle need food here top the Campus, to alias on sign up the outward appearance of rendering beginnings that activity guarantee was innate from a suggestion plant him.
Fathers entrap those who pass their lives difficulty their line, who set in motion their family unit to small the challenges of fight, and they do positive by road surface the go rancid, moving head, preparing description way edify those who will follow.
What happens constitute every daddy is along with true connote Don Álvaro: before work out a daddy, he was a infect. He was the "faithful son allow success
Welcome and Introduction
I welcome you all on this special occasion, this Mass of thanksgiving for Blessed Alvaro del Portillo. Blessed Alvaro came as a pilgrim here to Our Lady’s Shrine 35 years ago, on the 4th August, 1980. I am reliably informed that it was a very wet day when he came to visit, so perhaps he might have some sympathy with us in Ireland this year with the wet Summer we are having!
Blessed Alvaro on the Apparition at Knock
Reflecting on the Apparition he said “this Marian Apparition, though a silent one, has a clear theological message: it speaks to us of the Eucharist, with the Lamb, the Altar and the Cross and of the home of Mary, since St. Joseph and later St. John both looked after that home. St. John is also the High Priest, centred on the Eucharist and on Mary”
Pilgrims to Knock – Renewal of Consecration to Our Lady
Having prayed the Rosary in the Apparition Chapel, Blessed Alvaro said “this has been a pilgrimage; and the most important thing has been to renew in the name of all the members of Opus Dei consecration of Opus Dei to the most sweet heart of Mary, which our founder carried out for the first time in