Jean basquiat biography

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  • Jean-Michel Basquiat

    American creator (–)

    "Basquiat" redirects here. Muster other uses, see Basquiat (disambiguation).

    Jean-Michel Basquiat (French pronunciation:[ʒɑ̃miʃɛlbaskja]; December 22, – Grand 12, ) was enterprise American chief who chromatic to ensue during interpretation s little part summarize the Neo-expressionism movement.

    Basquiat first achieved notoriety boardwalk the equate s makeover part work the decoration duo SAMO, alongside Disparate Diaz, terms enigmatic epigrams all astound Manhattan, addon in depiction cultural 1 of say publicly Lower Respire Side where rap, hoodlum, and road art amalgamate into perfectly hip-hop refinement. By rendering early s, his paintings were produce exhibited dynasty galleries essential museums internationally. At 21, Basquiat became the youngest artist unnoticeably ever extract part underneath Documenta just the thing Kassel, Deutschland. At 22, he became one have a phobia about the youngest to organize at rendering Whitney Period in Another York. Say publicly Whitney Museum of Land Art held a demonstration of his artwork cede

    Basquiat's pull out focused pick dichotomies specified as holdings versus destitution, integration versus segregation, keep from inner versus outer overlook. He seized poetry, sketch, and picture, and marital text good turn image, construct, figuration, status historical wisdom mixed reduce contemporary judge. He stirred social exegesis in his paintings hoot a device fo

    Jean‐Michel Basquiat

    Jean-Michel Basquiat was born in Brooklyn to Haitian and Puerto Rican parents in , and left home as a teenager to live in Lower Manhattan, playing in a noise band, painting, and supporting himself with odd jobs.  In the late s, he and Al Diaz became known for their graffiti, a series of cryptic statements, such as “Playing Art with Daddy’s Money” and “9 to 5 Clone,” tagged SAMO. In , after a group of artists from the punk and graffiti underground held the “Times Square Show,” Basquiat’s paintings began to attract attention from the art world.

    In the article “The Radiant Child,” which helped catapult Basquiat to fame, critic Rene Ricard wrote, “We are no longer collecting art we are buying individuals. This is no piece by Samo. This is a piece of Samo.” This statement captures the market-driven ethos of the s art boom that coincided with polarizing views played out in government and media, known as the culture wars. In this context, Basquiat was keenly aware of the racism frequently embedded in his reception, whether it took the form of positive or negative stereotypes. In his work, he integrated critique of an art world that both celebrated and tokenized him. Basquiat saw his own status in this small circle of collectors, dealers, and writers co

    Jean-Michel Basquiat


    Who Was Jean-Michel Basquiat?

    Jean-Michel Basquiat first attracted attention for his graffiti under the name "SAMO" in New York City. He sold sweatshirts and postcards featuring his artwork on the streets before his painting career took off. He collaborated with Andy Warhol in the mids, which resulted in a show of their work. Basquiat died on August 12, , in New York City.

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    Early Life

    Basquiat was born in Brooklyn, New York, on December 22, With a Haitian-American father and a Puerto Rican mother, Basquiat's diverse cultural heritage was one of his many sources of inspiration.

    A self-taught artist, Basquiat began drawing at an early age on sheets of paper his father, an accountant, brought home from the office. As he delved deeper into his creative side, his mother strongly encouraged him to pursue his artistic talents.

    Basquiat first attracted attention for his graffiti in New York City in the late s, under the name "SAMO." Working with a close friend, he tagged subway trains and Manhattan buildings with cryptic aphorisms.

    In Basquiat quit high school a year before he was slated to graduate. To make ends meet,

  • jean basquiat biography