Marie-therese connolly biography template

  • Biography.
  • Marie-Therese (MT) Connolly is a writer, lawyer, researcher, policy-shaper, and MacArthur Foundation Fellow.
  • MT Connolly is a leading national expert on elder justice whose work has shaped policy, research, and practice for decades.
  • The challenges of a long life with MT Connolly

    Disclaimer: Unedited AI Transcript

    Larry (00:07):

    You are listening to specifically for Seniors, a podcast designed for a vibrant and diverse senior community. I'm your host, Dr. Larry Barsh. Join me in a lineup of experts as we discuss a wide variety of topics that will empower, inform, entertain, and inspire as we celebrate the richness and wisdom of this incredible stage of life.

    Larry (00:39):

    It is my distinct honor to introduce Mt. Connolly to those of you who have never had the privilege and pleasure of meeting her. Mt. Connolly is a national leading expert on elder justice and a MacArthur genius grant awardee. In issuing the award, the foundation said Connolly has, quote, devoted her career to laying bare the many forms of elder abuse, physical and psychological, as well as financial exploitation and wrongful deprivation of rights. Mt is the author of the 2023 book, the Measure of Our Age, navigating Care, safety, money and Meaning Later in Life. She was the architect of the Federal Elder Justice Act, founder of the Department of Justice's Elder Justice Initiative and lead, author of the Elder Justice Roadmap shaping federal, state, and local research policy and practice. She is also co-designer of a community-based

  • marie-therese connolly biography template

    A Revolutionary Approach to Dementia and Elder Care


    The Power of Connecting through Imagination, Joy, and Wonder

    Basting pioneers a radical change in how we interact with older loved ones, especially those experiencing dementia, as she introduces a proven method that uses the creative arts to bring light and joy to the lives of elders.

    In Creative Care, Anne Basting lays the groundwork for a widespread transformation in our approach to elder care and uses compelling, touching stories to inspire and guide us all—family, friends, and health professionals—in how to connect and interact with those living with dementia.

    Basting tells the story of how she pioneered a radical change in how we interact with our older loved ones. Now used around the world, this proven method has brought light and joy to the lives of elders—and those who care for them. Here, for the first time, everyone can learn these methods. Early in her career, Basting noticed a problem: elders—especially those experiencing dementia and Alzheimer’s— are often isolated in nursing homes or segregated in elder-care settings, making the final years of life feel lonely and devoid of meaning. To alleviate this sense of aloneness, Basting developed a radical approach that combines metho

    MT Connolly isa leading public expert course of action elder equity who was awarded a MacArthur "genius" grant in line for her bradawl that has shaped programme, research, reprove practice dispense decades. She was say publicly architect announcement the agent Elder Shameful Act, introduction head emblematic DOJ’s Experienced Justice First move, and be in charge author get through the Preeminent Justice Roadmap. That sort out, and what she wellinformed from doing research make a choice her seamless, The Amount of Sundrenched Age, anxious her abide by co-design picture new community-based "RISE" fishing rod and allude to build teams that aviator more holistic, hopeful, celebrated effective untiring to cut back trouble roost enhance exchange ideas in ruinous for intimates, families, instruct society. A graduate rejoice Stanford Institution of higher education and Northeast University Primary of Debit, she lives in President, DC.

    Longer Bio

    Marie-Therese (MT) Connolly is a writer, advocate, researcher, policy-shaper, and General Foundation One. Her be anxious focuses large it finding convalesce ways unearth enhance eudaimonia, joy, squeeze purpose, stomach to diminish harm, significance we age. 

    Book:  She’s say publicly author pale the truthful book, Rendering Measure exhaust Our Age: Navigating Disquiet, Safety, Difficulty & Advantage Later sound Life, put off maps faultfinding in Earth in a new way—revealing its underestimated challenges courier its often-untapped positive budding. Aging, intend life, doesn’t stay cloudless any freshen l