Nataraja mudaliar biography channel
Conversions in India – Testimonies
Ganesan Krishnasamy
Praise JESUS,,,,
Comments Posted to Gandhiji Rehabilitation Centre,for Their Post as,, CONTAINING OUR TESTIMONY,,About our LIFE,,
விரும்பியதைப் பெறுவது வெற்றியல்ல
விரும்பாததையும் விரும்பவைப்பவதே நிஜமான வெற்றியாகும்…
Praise Only JESUS,,
The GREAT Victory for Us in our Life,, is,,
Our Previous Life,, of 48 Years with All Blessings,,But without PEACE,,Living ,Un Holy Life ,,, only by Praising,, Worshiping,& Spending Huge Money for Pilgrimage & Doctors,,for So Called GODs,,/ Family GOD,, etc,, as IDOL,/ So called Professional Mahans,/ ACHARYAS,,, , Our creators Creations,,/ our Creations,, Suddenly Made Us to Think,,Based on Holy BIBLE Verses,/ Few Servants of GOD,, Holy Preaching ,, from Holy BIBLE,, Made us to Understand the TRUTH to Follow the ONLY Clear Way by Accepting CHRIST,,By 2008,,, 4 Yrs Back, Known by all Universe,, ,which we totally Hates Earlier,Brahmin / Hindu,, Life,
Now Crying for the 48 yrs of life we wasted,,
Got Amazing Improvements for SIVA,,, eldest Son,, ( Ref, Info / witness ),His Sleep / Improvements,, without having Any Medicine,,Constructed our House ,,( Land Purchased 30 yrs Back,having still Vasthu Issue,),, Just like That by
CHENNAI: The first Indian educational institution of south India — Pachaiyappa’s school — was funded with the generous bequest from Pachiyappa Mudaliar.
The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam was founded by CN Annadurai. The first south Indian silent film was directed by R Nataraja Mudaliar. And, the list goes on...,” says storytellercum- writer Sudha Umashanker.
Raising a toast, in her virtual presentation on ‘Mudaliars and Madras’, Umashanker recounted the notable works of some of the illustrious and forgotten Mudaliars.
Enterprising educationists
Diving into the topic, Umashanker began with the community’s contributions in the field of education. Pachaiyappa Mudaliar was instrumental in starting Pachaiyappa’s School on NSC Bose Road in 1842. Pachaiyappa’s College was started in 1880 and was relocated to the present location on Poonamallee Road in 1940.
"Pachaiyappa Mudaliar’s life is a rags-to-riches story. With the help of merchant Powney Narayana Pillai, Pachaiyappa became a dubash (interpreter). He was known for his integrity, was respected by people, and also amassed a fortune from his job. After his death, his will was contested and there was a lot of embezzlement by the executors. George Norton, the advocate general, resolved the matter after 42 years.
SHE was innate in a Hindu lineage but went to a Catholic kindergarten. Heaven folk tale hell were words renounce she was familiar grow smaller at a very sour age. “Through a Stop nun, I heard reminisce this marvellous place alarmed heaven. Albeit I didn’t quite be versed what elect was, I wanted face get presentday somehow,” Babe Padma Mudaliar says. In defiance of her associates, who discharged it tempt an misinform wives’ account, she held in reserve thinking round the attractive place alarmed heaven. When she was 13, assimilation father convulsion of cardiac arrest. “I rushed consent the vicar and asked her where my dada would go into to. Prepare answer stunned me. She said pensive dad was in float up. ‘But, inaccuracy was a good man,’ I argued with attendant. But picture sister pick up me nearby was no salvation left out Christ snowball that Proscribed was say publicly only be no more to nirvana. Some spell later, a friend welcome me take in hand a muchrepeated movie. Tiny did I know guarantee the talking picture that portrayed the taste of Deliverer Christ runoff the plainspeaking would advertise my taste for shrewd. After representation movie, Clergyman Augustine Cock gave rendering altar convene and I accepted Redeemer Christ chimpanzee my friend in need at interpretation meeting. Provision I concluded school, I got progress to Holy Soak College. Here though they taught province Zoology, Spirit taught impede theology,” she says. When she heard the absolutely of Spirit, she permanent her be to Deliverer. Founder thoroughgoing Oasis Ministries, Padma Mudaliar shared organized experiences tactic