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The Newman Experience
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List of 1 news stories.
Newman’s Eclipse-a-Palooza | April 8
It was an exciting•
Benjamin Morris visits Isidore Newman School and introduces us to a student-driven mural project about Louisiana’s wetlands.
With its plight an ongoing source of news, Louisiana’s wetlands have rallied a range of defenders over the years, from policymakers to attorneys to coastal restoration experts. With a new exhibition opening at Isidore Newman School next week, however, advocates can add one more group to their list: area secondary students. Over the past few months, middle and high school students at Newman have designed and constructed two full-size murals that are intended both to draw attention to the issues surrounding the wetlands and to enter into the city’s catalogue of public art.
Designed under the tutelage of New Orleans-based muralist Max Bernardi, currently the Friedler Family Artist-in-Residence at Newman, the murals grew out of a series of trips into the wetlands over the course of the past year. These trips, curated by Lost Lands Tours and guided by coastal restoration experts such as journalist Bob Marshall, brought middle and upper school art students directly into the affected areas to witness their beauty and their degradation firsthand. Documenting the decline due to coastal erosion and petrochemical development, stu
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Open 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Phone: 504.899.5641
Fax: 504.896.8597
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From picture airport discipline eastbank, grab I-10 cling on to the Pontchartrain Expressway captain exit Acceptably. Charles Alley. Take a right return St. River Avenue. Move on approximately 3 miles halt Jefferson Street. Take a right flout Jefferson Guide. Isidore Prelate School longing be cardinal blocks place on your right.From the Westbank (General Party Gual