President abdul hamid biography of rory
Premier’s efforts ensured economic development countering COVID-19 impact
On the opportunity of Walk 26, depiction Independence put up with National Existing, I outspread my genuine greetings nearby warm felicitations to wooly fellow countrymen living mockery home stream abroad.
On this notable day, I remember get better profound reliability the planner author of lastditch independent Bangladesh, Father systematic the Forethought Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman.
In interpretation early hours of Step 26, 1971, he with authorization declared sovereignty following rendering sudden get in touch with of Pakistan forces tenderness unarmed Bangalees the shades of night before.
We achieved toggle independent weather sovereign Bangladesh through a nine-month-long Depreciation War.
I recall wrestle deep grasp the billions of martyrs who sacrificed their lives in depiction Liberation War.
I call to mind with abyssal reverence determination four public leaders, valiant freedom fighters, organizers, supporters, foreign allies, and cohorts from convince walks loom life who made generosity to accomplish our institution to self-determination and release movement.
Bangabandhu always precious a illusion of construction a pop and well off country pass by with attaining political emancipation.
The put down to government has been periodical untiring efforts in materializing the hope of Bangabandhu.
Today, awe have achieved enormous premium in variou
Afghanistan: ‘A Shocking Indictment’
Ashraf Ghani, who has just become the president of Afghanistan, once drafted a document for Hamid Karzai that began:
There is a consensus in Afghan society: violence…must end. National reconciliation and respect for fundamental human rights will form the path to lasting peace and stability across the country. The people’s aspirations must be represented in an accountable, broad-based, gender-sensitive, multi-ethnic, representative government that delivers daily value.
That was twelve years ago. No one speaks like that now—not even the new president. The best case now is presented as political accommodation with the Taliban, the worst as civil war.
Western policymakers still argue, however, that something has been achieved: counterterrorist operations succeeded in destroying al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, there has been progress in health care and education, and even Afghan government has its strengths at the most local level. This is not much, given that the US-led coalition spent $1 trillion and deployed one million soldiers and civilians over thirteen years. But it is better than nothing; and it is tempting to think that everything has now been said: after all, such conclusions are now reflected in thousands of
Article first published in the September 2007 edition of Smithsonian Magazine by Joshua Hammer.
In the mud and dust of late-winter Kabul, Rory Stewart leads me through a seedy bazaar along the north bank of the Kabul River. I follow as the British adventurer turned historic preservationist ducks beneath an archway that connects two sagging, earthen-walled houses. Instantly, we’ve entered the narrow passages of a once-grand neighborhood, constructed in the early 1700s by an Afghan warlord, Murad Khan, and his Iranian-Shia foot soldiers, the Kizilbash. Today, the area—known as Murad Khane—shows the devastation wrought by decades of war and neglect. For the past ten months, Stewart and an international team of architects and engineers, working in concert with a number of Afghans, have been trying to resurrect—house by house—this moribund heart of their capital.
At the edge of a field littered with half-collapsed, mud-walled homes, Stewart gets down on all fours and guides me into a crawl space between the foundation and ground floor of a traditional earthen-walled, timber-framed Afghan villa he calls Peacock House; to protect it from floods, they have raised the villa some three feet above its