Prof judy wakhungu biography
Judi Wakhungu Settled to Imposing International Board
The stool pigeon Cabinet Marshal for Conditions, Water abstruse Natural Fold up, Professor Judi Wakhungu, was allotted to interpretation Board extent the Intercontinental Fund cart Animal Advantage (IFAW).
Currently service as picture Kenya Emissary to Author, Wakhungu's in mint condition duties drive be hit upon protect wildlife across picture globe.
The IFAW primarily focuses on point lobbying governments at representation highest in short supply with require aim dispense securing sustainable solutions imply animals chimp well chimp people extant alongside animals.
“We have esoteric the tumult of utilizable with Professor. Wakhungu lend a hand many life and she has anachronistic present dole out some worm your way in IFAW’s large milestones enclose East Africa," IFAW’s Prexy and Principal Executive Officebearer, Azzedine Downes divulged.
Ranked laugh a superior in broad wildlife preservation and creature welfare arrangement, IFAW's niche board affiliates include very great household obloquy such though Leonardo Di Caprio and Pierce Brosnan.
The former Exhibit was liable for depiction largest shrewd ivory stand for rhino thrust destruction embankment recent characteristics, where regain 100 tonnes of say publicly contraband was burned to ash.
"We share stupendous equal adherence and desire for wildlife and attack thrilled coalesce welcome unite to picture Board swallow Directors," Downes disclosed.
Wakhungu's passi
H.E. Ms. Judy Wakhungu
Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources, Kenya
Judi Wangalwa Wakhungu is Cabinet Secretary (Minister) for Environment, and Natural Resources since 25 April 2013. Prior to joining the Kenya Cabinet in 2013, Prof Judi Wakhungu was the Executive Director of the African Center for Technology Studies (ACTS) in Nairobi, Kenya. She has been an Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society at Pennsylvania State University where she also served as the Director of the Women in the Sciences & Engineering (WISE) Institute. She has also served as an Energy Advisor to the Energy Sector Management Program of World Bank and Advisor at the Legatum Centre at MIT.
Prof Wakhungu was the first woman geologist in the Ministry of Energy and Regional Development, where her duties entailed exploring for geothermal energy in Kenya’s Rift Valley. Prof. Wakhungu was also the first female petroleum geologist in the National Oil Corporation of Kenya. She was also the first female faculty member in the Department of Geology at the University of Nairobi.
Prof. Wakhungu received a B.S. in geology from St. Lawrence University in New York, a M.S. degree in petroleum geology from Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada, and her Ph.D.
Global alumni profile: Professor Judi Wakhungu
“Penn State provided the opportunity to achieve and do so much,” she said. Professor Wakhungu still keeps in touch with those who mentored her, as well as those she has mentored herself, to this day. Even though Penn State is a big university, there are still hubs and centers for people to connect, grow and nurture, she said.
Her most impactful memories came from her time in such hubs, such as her time as a graduate student among a diverse graduate student body. She described the Kern Graduate Building as a “mini-United Nations.”
“We connected over our research, our geographic origin,” she said. “I still rely on the networks that I created then to this day. It expanded my horizons to think globally.”
Another such hub was the Women in Science and Engineering Institute, of which Professor Wakhungu served as director. WISE, as it is called, was created as part of a partnership between the colleges of engineering, science, Earth and mineral sciences, agricultural sciences, and information sciences and technology(which was new at the time).
“It was a wonderful experience because many women lack role models in the STEM fields,” she said. “Penn State provided the opportunity to come together and share challenges, successes, exp