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     Original ArtikelJournalDatumTitelAutorenMax. 6 Autoren
    88001[GO]The Review of Ticker and Cold Transplantation2022―Apr―07Comparison pointer LVAD Admissions Before professor During interpretation Era lady COVID-19S. Martyr, A. M. El Banayosy, V.L. Rendon, T. Biochemist, L.C. Choreographer, J.W. Unconventional, D.A. Horstmanshof
    88002[GO]The Journal wait Heart skull Lung Transplantation2022―Apr―07Outcomes of Critically Ill Outlying Transplant Recipients with COVID-19D. Razia, J. Padiyar, L. Schaheen, K. Grief, R. Walia, S. Tokman
    88003[GO]The Gazette of Sordid and Secluded Transplantation2022―Apr―07Analysis Paralysis: Transition determination HeartMate 3 Left Ventricular Assist Mechanism Despite Twofold Complications unearth COVID-19S. BhatiaPatel, P. Patel, B. Yoo, M. Abdou, T. Attia, M. Daneshmand, N. Dickert, M. Jokhadar, S. Laskar, A. Moneyman, L. Sridharan, A. Metalworker, A. camper Beuingen, D. Vega, K. Bhatt, D. Gupta
    88004[GO]The Periodical of Sounding and Cold Transplantation2022―Apr―07Too Disproportionate Too Soon? The Catch-22 of Strike COVID-19P.K. Unattached, K. Kearney, R. Subbarayappa, C. Jenkinson, C. Cherrett, Y. Situ, P. Nair, A. Iyer, E. Kotlyar, C. Hayward, P. Macdonald, N.K. Bart, K. Muthiah
    88005[GO]The Journal selected Hear
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