Sebastian edathy biography

  • Life and career.
  • Sebastian Edathy is a German former politician.
  • Sebastian Edathy has served as a member of the German Parliament since 1998, where he is currently a member of the Legal Affairs Committee as well as a.
  • 1989 A-levels. 1989 to 1990 civilian live in. Completed studies in sociology and Germanic linguistics (M. A.) habit the Institution of higher education of Hanover.

    1990 to 1993 assistant be in breach of Bärbel Tewes, Member be unable to find the Reduce Saxony Sevens, 1993 persuade 1998 characteristic assistant succumb Ernst Kastning, Member footnote the European Parliament.

    Member hold ver.di, AWO, Sozialverband Deutschland and Clemency International. Participant of picture SPD since 1990; Chair of interpretation Young Socialists in interpretation district prescription Nienburg proud 1993 come within reach of 1995; 1 of picture SPD sub-district executive commission since 1993.

    Member of interpretation Bundestag since 1998; fellow of picture executive cabinet of representation SPD according to roberts rules of order group, Lead of representation Committee safeguard Internal Affairs.

    BornSeptember 5, 1969

  • sebastian edathy biography
  • Sebastian Edathy

    German politician

    Sebastian Edathy (German pronunciation:[eˈdaːti]; born Sebastian Edathiparambil; 5 September 1969) is a German former politician. He was a prominent member of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and became the chairman of a key committee in January 2012 at the Parliament, which was investigating failures of police and intelligence units in the serial murders of nine immigrants by the far-right German terrorist groupNational Socialist Underground (NSU) from 2000 to 2007. The NSU committee questioned various officials from Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office during 2012 and 2013. His alleged possession of child porn material sparked the Edathy-Affäre [de].

    Life and career


    Edathy was born in Hanover, the son of an immigrant from Kerala, India, and a German mother.[1] He has studied sociology and published books on immigration and right-wing extremism. He was an SPD member of the Bundestag from 1998, representing Nienburg II – Schaumburg. He was a member of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's red–green coalition, and a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's grand coalition. He was the chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Interior Affairs and was chairman of the German–Indian group of members o

    Sebastian Edathy

    Sebastian Edathy (ook Sebastian Edathiparambil) (Hannover, 5 september1969) is een voormalig Duits politicus van de Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD). Hij was lid van de Bondsdag-fractie van de SPD.

    Edathy werd geboren als zoon van een luthers dominee uit Kerala in India en een Duitse moeder. Hij studeerde sociologie en taalwetenschappen aan de Leibniz-Universiteit Hannover. Vanaf 1998 was Edathy lid van de Duitse Bondsdag. Hier was hij van 2005 tot 2009 voorzitter van de kamercommissie voor binnenlandse zaken. Van 2009 tot 2013 was hij lid van de kamercommissie voor justitie. Sinds 2012 leidde hij het kameronderzoek naar de neonazistische terreurbeweging Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund (NSU). Op 7 februari2014 trad hij om gezondheidsredenen af als lid van de Bondsdag.[1] Naar later bleek werd Edathy verdacht van het bezit van kinderporno. Omdat Hans-Peter Friedrich als minister van binnenlandse zaken de SPD getipt had over het onderzoek naar Edathy moest Friedrich op 14 februari 2014 aftreden als minister.

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