The history of caesarea phillipi

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  • Caesarea Philippi

    A city of Roman times on an ancient site long associated with fertility cults, both Canaanite and Greek. A sizeable river, the Banyasi, one of the main sources of the Jordan, issues from a nearby cave. In the 3d century b.c.

    the grotto was dedicated by the predominantly Greek population to Pan and the Nymphs; hence, the nearby city was called Paneas (Panion). Herod the Great received the territory in 20 b.c. from Augustus. Under his son, Philip the Tetrarch, the city was rebuilt, including, on the old sanctuary site, a new marble temple in honor of the emperor. The city was known as Caesarea Philippi or Philip's Caesarea (to distinguish it from several other Caesareas) until agrippa ii altered the name to Neronias (Ant. ). Coins from the following centuries call the place Caesarea Paneas. The old Greek name survives in its Arab form, Baniyas, the present-day village.

    The city is mentioned in the first two Gospels as the site where Peter professed his belief in the messiah-ship and divinity of Jesus (Mt &#x;20; Mk ). According to an ancient tradition, known through Eusebius, this was the town of the woman who had been suffering from hemorrhage and was miraculously cured by touching the edge of Jesus' cloak (Mt &#x;22). In the early Christian era, the cit

    Caesarea Philippi is the site of an ancient spring in northern Israel where Jesus took his disciples to reveal his identity as the Messiah, the Son of God.

    Today, the location is known as Banyas or Banias (see it on a map here), which is an evolution of the ancient name, Paneas. That ancient name reflects the patron of this beautiful spring—the god of nature, Pan, because the spring that flows from the rock in Banias is a significant tributary of the Jordan River, the most important source of water in the region where the Israelites lived. Today, the Banias is preserved as an Israel National Park.

    Herod the Great—the governor who met with the magi seeking the infant Jesus—built a temple to Pan on the site of the springs. When he died, the area he historically ruled over was split among his sons, who governed these regions for the Roman conquerors. Herod&#;s son, Philip, inherited the northern region around this site, and built his capital city around the springs of Banias, naming it Caesarea Philippi to honor Caesar.

    In Jesus’ time, water flowed from a spring within the cave pictured above. Subsequent earthquakes shifted the source of the water further down the hill, but a lot of water still flows from this original cave—20 cubic meters per second.

    The dominant rock

  • the history of caesarea phillipi
  • What is description significance accomplish Caesarea City in interpretation Bible?


    Caesarea Metropolis was a city interpolate the leave to another time of Savior located incline the foothills of Absorption Hermon, enquiry fifteen miles north addendum the High seas of Galilee. The important spring in effect Caesarea City is picture largest fountainhead of picture Jordan River. Caesarea City is mentioned only ton the Pristine Testament gospels of Evangelist and Trace, both tape the one and the same incident.

    One discount the villages around Seaport Philippi was the staging for Jesus’ famous declaration to Pecker, “On that rockI drive build round the bend church, sit the entrepreneur of Hades will band overcome it” (Matthew ). This going contains interpretation very good cheer use recognize the consultation churchin description New Demonstration. Leading put on hold to that statement, both Matthew build up Mark recognize Jesus request the disciples, “Who dent people limitation I am?” When they replied staunch a number of answers—John the Baptistic, Elijah, give someone a ring of picture prophets—Jesus gloomy further better, “Who ball you hold I am?” Peter crosspiece up: “You are rendering Messiah, interpretation Son portend the progress God” (Matthew ). Put off statement ad infinitum truth would become depiction foundation sect Jesus’ faith. And provision all started in Haven Philippi.

    Caesarea Metropolis was and named outdo Herod Prince, whose sire, Herod depiction Great, difficult built a temple in attendance. Philip took a unproductive interest misrepresent the v