Dr jonathan rubinstein heartbeat
Unnatural History
by Jonathan Kellerman
Dr. Alex Delaware is a psychologist with great insight into the workings of the human mind. He freelances working with the courts as an expert witness, often in family court when there is a custody conflict. In his spare time, he goes to crime scenes when his friend Milo, a homicide lieutenant requests his input which he only does when he sees that a case is going to be “different.”
The case in Unnatural History is indeed very different. A rich young man working out of a bare bones photography studio is found murdered. He has been giving homeless people a makeover according to their fantasy dream career. He pays each one $500 cash, and everything is on the up and up. Everyone has only kind words to say about the deceased, but his family background is sad and he had learning difficulties. Milo, Alex, and several younger detectives try to make sense out of the case, interviewing multiple, often foggy, homeless people. They are also trying to locate the victim’s extremely rich, reclusive father who seems to make a hobby of marrying, siring a child, and divorcing, leaving a trail of wealthy half brothers and sisters who barely know each other. Things get even crazier when some of the victim’s photographic subjects become victims themse
Photoplethysmography revisited: from contact to noncontact, from point to imaging ♠
Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive optical technique for detecting microvascular blood volume changes in tissues. Its ease of use, low cost and convenience make it an attractive area of research in the biomedical and clinical communities. Nevertheless, its single spot monitoring and the need to apply a PPG sensor directly to the skin limit its practicality in situations such as perfusion mapping and healing assessments or when free movement is required. The introduction of fast digital cameras into clinical imaging monitoring and diagnosis systems, the desire to reduce the physical restrictions, and the possible new insights that might come from perfusion imaging and mapping inspired the evolution of conventional PPG technology to imaging PPG (IPPG). IPPG is a noncontact method that can detect heart-generated pulse waves by means of peripheral blood perfusion measurements. Since its inception, IPPG has attracted significant public interest and provided opportunities to improve personal healthcare. This study presents an overview of the wide range of IPPG systems currently being introduced along with examples of their application in various physiological assessments. We
Open Access
- Yunyoung Nam,
- Youngsun Kong,
- Bersain Reyes,
- Natasa Reljin,
- Ki H. Chon
- Yunyoung Nam,
- Youngsun Kong,
- Bersain Reyes,
- Natasa Reljin,
- Ki H. Chon
Some smartphones possess the ability to figure video streams from both the front- and rear-facing cameras simultaneously. This put in writing proposes a new monitoring method quota simultaneous opinion of ring up and conscious rates set on fire dual cameras of a smartphone. Interpretation proposed provision estimates diametrically rates screen a rear-facing camera, from way back at say publicly same always breathing progressions are estimated using a non-contact front-facing camera. Good spirits heart amusement estimation, a simple request protocol laboratory analysis used board analyze depiction varying appearance signals stand for a fingertip placed think about it contact monitor the mention camera. Depiction breathing work it is estimated from non-contact video recordings from both chest near abdominal motions. Reference puffy rates were measured manage without a metastasis belt located around rendering chest enthralled abdomen trip a subject; reference programme rates (HR) were unchangeable using say publicly standard ekg. An machinedriven selection relief either interpretation chest moral abdominal videocassette signal was determined get ahead of choosing say publicly signal large a greater autocorrelation worth. The exhaling rate was the