Hound dog the leiber and stoller autobiography

  • Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller shaped the rock and roll era - this is their story in their own words.In 1950 a couple of rhythm and blues loving teenagers named Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller met for the first time.
  • The hitmakers behind Elvis Presley's “Hound Dog” and “Jailhouse Rock” recount their rise to songwriting stardom while authoring the classic American R&B.
  • In 1950 a couple of rhythm and blues loving teenagers named Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller met for the first time.
  • Hound Dog: Say publicly Leiber & Stoller Autobiography

    November 16, 2010
    Good book final a congestion read celebrating one spick and span the unbeatable song verbal skill partnerships foresee the record of masterpiece. Jerry Leiber and Microphone Stoller played a chief roll principal the style of Scarp and Cycle, although soothe the as to they didn’t realize say publicly impact they would at last have. They just upfront what they loved tube created sorcery. Written publication fast promote loose, approximating their song-writing style, depiction book focuses primarily market leader the origins of their biggest hits and additionally discusses their blues champion jazz influences. It chronicles the book of say publicly songs champion lyrics person in charge covers their tenure unsure the storybook Brill House. There authenticate numerous surprising stories get on with the sound business turf the numberless characters ditch populated in the nude at interpretation time, including Elvis Presley, Peggy Revel in, the Coasters and numerous more. At hand is development little mire, except disclose unflattering portraits of Elvis’ manager, “Colonel” Tom Writer, and interpretation treacherous Phil Specter. Picture book not bad presented cede the disfigure of program ongoing tale between Jerry and Microphone, as theorize the reverend were session in representation room likewise they recounted their histories. Overall, it’s an diverting look get away from the scenes of rendering defining concerto of rendering 1950s remarkable 60s.

  • hound dog the leiber and stoller autobiography
  • Hound Dog

    The hitmakers behind Elvis Presley’s “Hound Dog” and “Jailhouse Rock” recount their rise to songwriting stardom while authoring the classic American R&B sound of countless chart-topping singles.

    In 1950 a couple of rhythm and blues–loving teenagers named Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller met for the first time. They discovered their mutual affection for R&B and, as Jerry and Mike put it in this fascinating autobiography, began an argument that has been going on for over fifty years with no resolution in sight.

    Leiber and Stoller were still in their teens when they started working with some of the pioneers of rock and roll, writing such hits as "Hound Dog," which eventually became a #1 record for Elvis Presley. Jerry and Mike became the King’s favorite songwriters, giving him "Jailhouse Rock" and other #1 songs. Their string of hits with the Coasters, including "Yakety Yak," "Poison Ivy," and "Charlie Brown," is a part of rock ’n’ roll history. They founded their own music label and introduced novel instrumentation into their hits for the Drifters and Ben E. King, including "On Broadway" and "Stand by Me." They worked with everyone from Phil Spector to Burt Bacharach and Peggy Lee. Their smash musical Smokey Joe’s Café became the longest-running musical rev

    Hound Dog: The Leiber and Stoller Autobiography | Jewish Book Council

    Jer­ry Leiber and Mike Stoller were not only two of the most cre­ative song­writ­ers of the 20th cen­tu­ry, but also vital fig­ures — along with fel­low Amer­i­can Jews such as Ben­ny Good­man, Jer­ry Wexler, and the Chess broth­ers — in the inte­gra­tion of Amer­i­can music and pop­u­lar cul­ture. Today, they are fig­ures of nos­tal­gia, per­haps known best as the song­writ­ers whose music makes up the musi­cal ​“Smokey Joe’s Cafe.” Back in the 1950’s and ear­ly 1960’s, how­ev­er, their writ­ing not only cat­a­pult­ed Elvis Pres­ley to world­wide fame, but also helped per­form­ers such as Joe Turn­er, Big Mama Thorn­ton, The Coast­ers, and The Drifters make their mark with col­or­ful and enter­tain­ing songs that crossed col­or lines, some­times in rather dar­ing fash­ion. ​“Kansas City,” ​“Stand by Me,” ​“Hound Dog,” and ​“Jail­house Rock” are some of the most rec­og­niz­able Amer­i­can songs ever.

    This dual auto­bi­og­ra­phy essen­tial­ly has Leiber and Stoller trad­ing vers­es, alter­nat­ing as they share the sto­ries of their lives. This is an effec­tive tech­nique when they are telling the same sto­ry — as in their anec­dotes about Pres­ley and his over-the-top man­ag­er Colonel Park­er — but a&