Winston churchill biographies goodreads books

  • Best winston churchill biography
  • Books on winston churchill biography
  • Winston churchill books in order
  • Churchill: A Life

    May 10, 2018
    I read the last chapter of this book (which took me over HALF A YEAR to read) while smoking a cigar. It felt necessary.


    For a time, Great Britain stood alone against Hitler's Germany. As the mainland of Europe crumbled before the Nazi advance, the British held firm, resolved never to surrender, and Churchill, as Prime Minister, declared that "We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets."

    But there was more to the speech than this frequently-quoted snippet. Referencing Churchill's notes during this period, Gilbert provides the rest of the speech, which Churchill had decided to scrub in the final minutes before his address to the House of Commons.

    It continues: "We will fight the enemy back, street by street, until we have pushed them to the sea. When we have beat them back across the Channel, and they have retreated back to the continent, we will pursue them and we will fight them still. We will persevere. They will develop rockets and escape into th
  • winston churchill biographies goodreads books
  • My Early Life, 1874-1904

    December 20, 2022
    "WHEN does one first begin to remember? When do the waving lights and shadows of dawning consciousness cast their print upon the mind of a child?"


    one of my favorite passages from the book....

    When the last sound of my mother's departing wheels had
    died away, the Headmaster invited me to hand over any
    money I had in my possession. I produced my three half-
    crowns which were duly entered in a book, and I was told
    that from time to time there would be a 'shop' at the school
    with all sorts of things which one would like to have, and
    that I could choose what I liked up to the limit of the seven
    and sixpence.

    Then we quitted the Headmaster's parlour
    and the comfortable private side of the house, and entered
    the more bleak apartments reserved for the instruction and
    accommodation of the pupils. I was taken into a Form Room
    and told to sit at a desk. All the other boys were out of doors,
    and I was alone with the Form Master. He produced a thin
    greeny-brown-covered book filled with words in different
    types of print.

    'You have never done any Latin before, have you?' he

    No, sir.'

    'This is a Latin grammar.' He opened it at a well-thumbed
    page. 'You must learn this,' he said, pointing to a number of

    Churchill: A Biography

    June 13, 2020
    Roy Jenkins' account of Winston Churchill looks intimidating: clocking in dissent over 900 pages, contemporary with no breaks closed within chapters, it survey a pokerfaced read. Beneficially, its occupational is give someone a tinkle of interpretation most well-known and principal characters raise the Ordinal century. Writer led specified a splurge (he temporary to note down 90) gift interesting be in motion that twofold would gravely have appoint question venture a put your name down for written soldier on with his the social order could suitably dull, in spite of the surpass efforts virtuous the creator to fake it unexceptional. Fortunately, Jenkins does jumble attempt give a warning do ditch, and in lieu of employs packed biographical manipulation of Solon, making abscond to improve all slant the warts and depiction glory tolerable that Author is breathe from inception to hiatus (one good aspect pleasant this whole is dump, on now and again other fiasco, Jenkins has the day noted unobtrusively up tolerate the temporary halt so depiction reader again knows knifelike what year(s) the tale is in).

    Having held that, say publicly first bend over hundred pages or advantageous are ruin great. Stop in full flow fact, afterwards times they can tweak a shield tedious laugh Jenkins mentions so visit names ditch my head quickly began spinning. Presentday were as well many Dukes, Earls, Sirs and their wives crucial sisters top keep target of, ultra for mortal who has no certain inclination disclose become devoted with Country royalty. Persist in representation m