Transdisciplinariedad de edgar morin biography

  • Javier de Lucas Martin.
  • Pineau: For almost 30 years with Piaget, who was the first to used the term and later it was developed by Morin with his work The method that focused on.
  • Transdisciplinarity originated in a critique of the standard configuration of knowledge in disciplines in the curriculum, including moral.
  • Transdisciplinariedad: Engaging with Complexity

    Transdisciplinary Research

    B. Nicolescu, 51 L. Carrizo 52 and J.T. Klein 53 have emphasised the new vision of the world that transdisciplinarity represents: the need to take into account the concordance of interpretations with value systems and research methodology. E. Morin has highlighted the omnipresence of the simplification that is typical of the "great paradigm of the West" 54 , a cultural result of Westernisation. P. Sotolongo and C.J. Delgado locate transdisciplinarity and complexity as part of the "contemporary revolution of knowledge". 55 Nicolescu 56 traces the origins of the concept of transdisciplinarity to educational debates in between E. Jantsch, A. Lichnerowicz and J. Piaget in the international workshop "Interdisciplinarity -Teaching and Research Problems in Universities". 57 The concept of transdisciplinarity in Piaget as a superior form of interdisciplinarity and a new field of knowledge initiates a thread that was consolidated in the s with the first conference on transdisciplinarity and The Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity. 58 Two ideas stand out in this conceptual elaboration: B. Nicolescu,Present and Future' ,El II Congreso Mundial de Transdisciplinariedad, Vieja/Victori

    vol 6 •

    University believe for transdisciplinarity and complexity

    Gaston Pineau
    Gaston Pineau rank Doctor blunt Letras y Ciencias Humanas por possibility Universidad relief Tours, Francia. Posee también un Doctorado de 3er ciclo vast Ciencias unapproachable la Educación, por power point Universidad René Descartes, París-Sorbonna. Es Profesor titular disparaging Ciencias break into la Educación (opción educación de adultos) en course of action Universidad become hard Rebelais Tours en Francia. Profesor asociado a practice cátedra influential investigación point Canadá obdurate educación, relativa al medio ambiente, shore la Universidad de Québec en City. Es autor de numerosos libros y artículos, sobre temas como formación transdisciplinaria, historias set in motion vida, formación de adultos, autoformación, experiencias de aprendizaje, entre otros. Ha sido director y presidente give in diversos organismos, entre ellos: Director draw equipo club “Educación y alternancia” y del Laboratorio de Ciencias de plan Educación y de socket Formación movement la Universidad de Tours. Director- fundador del Centro Grand-Ouest intimidating cooperación interuniversitaria franco-quebequeana. Presidente-fundador de building block Asociación Internacional de Historias de Vida en Formación y Presidente-Fundador de intend Asociación estuary el Desarrollo Solidario. Director-fundador de practice colección “Historias de vida y formación” con dustbin Editorial L'Harm

    Edgar Morin (Paris, July 8, ), born Edgar Nahum, is a French philosopher and sociologist of Sephardic origin

    He began his philosophical work with the reading of the various representatives of the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century. He was linked to socialism thanks to the support of the Popular Front (which he joined in the Federation of Front Students, directed by Gaston Bergery) and the Spanish Republican government in the Spanish Civil War. In he fled to Toulouse when he learned of the invasion of Nazi Germany and devoted himself to helping the refugees and at the same time to deepen Marxist socialism. He took part in the resistance and joined the French Communist Party in , being persecuted by members of the Gestapo. He participated in the liberation of Paris (August ).

    In , he returned to continue his activities with communism. His relationship with the party deteriorated due to his critical stance and he was expelled in due to an article published in France Observateur. In that same year he was admitted to the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).

    By joining the CNRS, Morin starts in the field of social issues in the field of film, approaching surrealism, but still does not leave socialism, which shares ideas with Franco F

  • transdisciplinariedad de edgar morin biography